AURORA is a temporary light-based installation designed by a team of designers and architects for Creekshow 2019. Over 60,000 people attended the 10-day event which aims to highlight the historically neglected Waller Creek Greenbelt.

Project Management | Fabrication | Event Coordination | Social Media | Art Direction

“Taking the form of a matrix of identical luminaires suspended over the water, AURORA challenges visitors’ preconceived notions of Waller Creek. Each column of light is an autonomous element that is linked to the whole: individually responding to specific sounds and movements while simultaneously operating within a single procedurally generated sequence. With every flash of light or quiver of sound, the grid comes alive, an ever-changing constellation that plays through the creek bed. In this manner, AURORA occupies the site and displays the capacity of a place to simultaneously shape, but also be shaped by its environment. Like Waller Creek itself, AURORA lies somewhere between order and chaos, infrastructure and nature, intention and accident.”

Design & Fabrication Team:

  • Brooks Anderson
  • Bruno Canales
  • Matt Dorsey
  • Mitch Flora
  • James Holliday
  • Zach Lyons
  • Andrew Mitchell
  • John Powell
  • Will Powell
  • Nolan Thomas